Tuesday, 19 January 2010

It's not the long runs that do you in...

It's those buggery 30 minute jobs the day after a two hour slog that I find really hard work.
Had a great run on Sunday, 1 hr 40, and felt like I could have gone on if I'd had to.
So when the plan said 30 mins easy for Monday night I thought it would be a doddle, just a quick trot up and down Cranbrook Road, Waitrose and back. But no, it was a fricking nightmare.
My legs were stiff from the night before and I was wearing my new running shoes for the first time which I guess need a little wearing in, so the brisk half hour felt like a half marathon.
I even had to stop half way and walk a bit, which is crazy as I quite happily trotted my way round six or seven miles without pulling up the night before.
I did manage to keep it in perspective and not pull tantrum as I understand the body needs time to recover and all of that so I know I can go at it again at the weekend and hopefully get close to two hours on my feet.
I nearly jacked it in by it's funny how motivating a couple of women runners going past you can be...


Anonymous said...

Hi! I have just found your blog and love it! I am also in Bristol and it's really nice to know where you are running. Usually I have no idea!!!

Anyways...this is a great and inspirational read. Good luck and I'll be sure to keep on reading!

Simon Peevers said...

Thanks very much for your kind comment, always nice to hear.
Good luck with it all yourself!
