I've just about got the energy back to write this as on Sunday I ran for four hours and covered 19 and a half miles, which I'm claiming as a 20 miler - it's as near as damn it.
But almost more importantly, I've discovered the cause of my bleeding nipple issue and even after four hours of hard pounding on Sunday there wasn't so much as a scratch around the man boob area.
Basically it seems that the trusty Reebok bright yellow running jacket I have been wearing all through my winter training as it provided most welcome protection against the wind and rain, has also been chaffing away at my over-sensitive nips.
Pic cap: An example of bleeding nipple syndrome, just in case you couldn't picture it yourself!
The inside lining of the jacket is like a honeycomb mesh which I thought was like a clever hi-tech materiel, but in fact has been acting much like a cheese grater. Not the best design for a garment designed specifically for runners.
I discovered it was the cause of all my pain after going out on Sunday without the cold weather protection as thank the lord of all things weather, which is probably God, the temperature is now creeping up above freezing so I had no need of it.
The run itself felt amazing. I didn't really set out to run for four hours, I wanted to match the three and a half hours I'd done the week before, but it just felt right so I kept going, Forest Gump style.
I nearly gave up on the whole thing after half an hour because I was wearing what I can only describe as a utility belt for the first time, holding two drinking bottles and a bunch of energy gels. It felt so heavy, cumbersome and uncomfortable at first that I felt like I was dragging a tyre behind me and I nearly threw the whole thing into the hedge.
But, annoyingly, it did what the marketing blurb claimed eventually and moulded around my waist so that I didn't really feel it after a while. I'm glad I persevered as the energy gels, special energy drink and water were much welcome.
Most encouragingly after three and a half hours I felt much brighter than I had done a week before when I was dead on my feet after the same time. And even getting into the city centre to finish the run at four hours I genuinely felt like there was more to give and wasn't as utterly wrecked as last week.
Don't get me wrong, I was well and truly buggered, but if I'd had to continue, if my life depended on it, I feel I could have gone on.
So it's left me full of confidence for the big day, which is precisely a month away now and I've even signed up for the Taunton half marathon two weeks before to try to get myself nice and sharp for race day.
Now all I need to do is work as hard on the fundraising for the British Heart Foundation, so, you know the score, if you're reading this far down and feel compelled to sponsor me and help to fight heart disease, the UK's biggest killer, please go to www.justgiving.co.uk/simonpeevers to make a secure donation.
Check you out with your 20 mile runs, your new Levis and your non-bleeding nipples! Most impressive Mr P. You're doing awesomely well. Can't wait for you to win the London Marathon, sprinting past the Kenyans down the Mall, what a day that will be!
And a Happy Belated Birthday by the way. xx
Despite my lack of commenting over the months, I've been following your progress religiously and I am WELL IMPRESSED.
please be aware I am a skinny 6ft person who weighs 12 stn, and I too wear 33" and 34" jeans. So, does this mean I'm fat? Nope. Why you think you deserve to fit anything smaller is beyond me.
I think you have done a fantastic job, and the prize is there for the taking. All that remains is to run 26 miles, and walk away with it. i hope there will be tears of joy (or something) when you do so.
On a slightly serious note, I'm not at all convinced you need all that energy gel and drink crap. OK, a drink along the way for the longer runs, but I'm sure others better qualified than I would support me.
Nothing beats a proper meal, well timed. Those gel things are creepy, man.
Your body is now capable of working out how to manage a run without that stuff, I'm sure.
I'm not supposed to divulge this, but a bloke up the road, Bruce Wayne or something, well, anyway, he swears by his utility belt. There must be something in it.
Keep on keeping on Simon!
Thanks for all your comments, it's great to get feedback and suppport along the way.
Mike, I'm interested in what you say about gels and stuff. I thought that was what I needed to keep going, that and some jelly babies. I think I will carry some on the day itself, but I agree not needed for regular running.
Cheers all.
Yeah, well, on the day you are going to run like never before and really want your mummy at, say, 21 miles. That's when I'd start sucking lumps of Mars bar. Yum yum.
Although, actually, I've never run a marathon!
Blimey that looks painful.
I suspect the pain from your legs distracted you from the nips.
There's something in UD running. You got to be going at least a few hours before the true ZEN effect kicks in LOL
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