Monday, 15 August 2011

I did a run

And I sort of liked it.
My friend Marc has suggested we start running again, just once a week to get warmed up as he knows I want to get back in the right shape.
I tried to squeal out of our first outing this evening with a pile of work in front of me and the prospect of running in the rain looking less appealing. But he kicked my ass, in a texting kind of way, and I'm most glad he did as I felt much better for half an hour or so of flumping around the Downs. Flumping is the only word I think accurately describes the motion and style of movement adopted by the author.
It was only after I came away from the jogging experience that it dawned on me that there may have been some level of collusion with my betrothed in the sense that they both think I could do with getting out and stop moping around about how unfit I am and do something about it. I realise now they had ample opportunity to plot during a recent barbecue at our house where I spent most of the time eating and drinking myself into oblivion.
But as I say I'm glad they did as I rather appreciate the gesture and hope that it may spur me on to a healthier and less corpulent existence.
In other news, I'm still waiting to hear whether I have a place in the London Marathon for next year, and also hoping that will act as some kind of inspirational rocket up my ample backside if I do get one. Have decided that if I don't get a place for London that I'm going to try for Edinburgh in May. Need some kind of target to aim for so why not try for the highest peaks?

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