Sunday, 24 February 2013

Booze-fuelled running

I realise it's not the kind of message that somebody training for a marathon should be putting out there, but it is a fact that I've had my two best training runs following nights of copious boozing, which I wouldn't have thought possible.
However today, I managed to smash my ten mile goal a week earlier than scheduled, following a fairly heavy night on the sauce with my brother, who knows how to enjoy a drink or two.
Heading out with the attitude that a ten mile run would be kill or cure, I found myself getting into my stride quite nicely and after the first hour was purring along with thoughts of the Portishead cycle path ahead of me.
And so despite the descending dark and ghosts of railway lines long forgotten about which seem to go nowhere, I managed to crank up another hour on the road and according to my increasingly dodgy RunKeeper distance tracker, I racked up 10.65 miles. So I'm not 100 per cent sure about the distance but I reckon running for 2hrs and 6mins should cover about ten miles and I'm claiming it.
The last best run I did was when I hit five miles back in January following another heavy night on the booze. Imagine what I could do if I'd just gone to bed early with a cup of cocoa.
Feels like good progress though, definitely felt a longer run and managed to cover more ground and also this weekend my weigh in revealed I've lost 27 lbs, just 1lb off two stone, which feels great and bodes well for marathon training.

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