Friday, 16 October 2009

It's all in the planning

Been a bit of an up and down sort of week. Not quite like a roller coaster, probably more like when you drive along and go over those funny little humps in the road and your tummy goes all tickly. Anybody else get that as a kid? No? Just me then.
Anyway been running quite well, been out Monday, Wednesday with the FB Running Club and should be going out tonight. Also got a 70 minute jog planned for Sunday.
Maybe it's my old bones, but I just can't get myself out five or six nights on the trot, it's just knackering.
So I'm sticking to the scheduled running slots, and not bothering with the fartleks and stuff. Is this a grave mistake?
I compared my plan with one that Marc has done before, which is a 16 week week schedule and I was surprised how different it was.
On my plan, which is the intermediate level straight off the official London Marathon website, there are no runs over about two hours, and considering I expect to be on my feet for at least five hours, I'm kind of surprised.
Whereas Marc's Plan, as it's now known, has a number of three hour plus runs, and I think psychologically it is important to have done a few very long runs. I want to be able to run 20 miles at least twice before race day. God knows I can't even imagine that right now, but it would be great to do that.
It would also be quite good to actually start losing weight, I still seem to be stuck at 16 stone, feel like I've been here for months. I expected to plateau but not with six stone to go.
Bit worried about making the target now. The important thing is to be fit enough on the day to run the marathon, but I would love to hit my goal, this blog is after all called How 2 Lose 8 Stone, not, How 2 Lose a Couple of Stone and Whinge About Not Being able to Lose Any More.


jogblog said...

No runs over 2 hours? Really? Have you got Paula Radcliffe's schedule by mistake?

I'd get a new schedule. 2 hours will only be about 11 or 12 miles, if you attempt 26.2 after only doing 12 miles in training, it's going to hurt!

Simon Peevers said...

That's what I thought as well, but wondered if the fact there are lots of two hour runs is another way to build up the stamina/strength?
I'm going to switch to the longer distance I think, otherwise it will be a short run on April 25!