Monday, 6 July 2009

Monday's Weigh In

Clearly a diet consisting mainly of meat, veg and salad is paying off as I lost another two and a half pounds this week.
I am now down to 16st 4lbs, which is a total of 24 lbs lost since May 3. Just four lbs away from hitting two stone, with just another six to go after that.
I'm very pleased with that considering I went to a wedding and a barbecue at the weekend.
I think staying away from booze and cutting out bread has been the key to success so far.
After not eating bread for a few weeks its weird how much I enjoyed a couple of sarnies at the wedding on Saturday.
When I walk into garages now I find myself salivating at that row of pre-packed processed crap between two slices of bread which have probably passed through a dozen pairs of hands belonging to people who enjoy a casual relationship with hygiene.
The sandwiches sit there on the top shelf, like food porn, tempting my with their promise of illicit delights on the packaging.
Images of half-dressed salad sit alongside exposed thighs of chicken, with a bit of mayo for a touch of sauciness.
I gotta stop obsessing about this stuff, it's just getting weird.

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