Monday, 29 June 2009
Six and a half pounds lost in a week - get in!
Probably the best weigh-in I've ever had today, as I've lost nearly half a stone since last Monday.
I'm fairly amazed and wondering if Weight Watchers don't mess with the scales to give a low reading just to keep you coming to the group.
But my group leader Lisa was quite surprised too, so much so she asked if I was eating enough. If she had seen me at the wedding buffet at the weekend she would have had no concern about that.
I did skip breakfast this morning, but I do that every Monday when I have a weigh-in anyway, doesn't everyone?
After putting on weight last week I was just hoping to get back where I was the week before that, which was 16st 11.5lbs.
So I was obviously a bit stunned to go from 16st 13lbs last Monday to 16st 6.5lbs today, 21.5 lbs in total since the start of May.
I'm not really sure why and I'm a bit worried it might be a fluke and next week I'll put on weight again. But I did cut out bread and chocolate, pretty much, last week, so that must have helped, and I did manage to go running three times in all and played a game of tennis.
The truism still rings true then, if you eat less fatty stuff and do more exercise, you will lose weight.
It's put me on a real high after the low of last week, and I even managed to resist treating myself to a Subway for lunch and opted for a big plate of salad leaves and some tuna mayo (light) instead. I have a real chance now to make the best of this progress and push on through the pounds.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
First of four weddings this summer.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Been a week of ups and downs. My weight's going up and my motivation is going down.
Well, not that bad maybe, but I feel like these are the hard yards for sure.
I'm so obsessed with trying to make sure I lose weight this week that I can hardly think of anything else. Which makes most of the rest of the life I'm supposed to be getting on with quite tricky.
It does feel a bit like one step forward two steps back this week. I played tennis on Thursday which was a great game actually. Well, obviously not in the same way the Federer Nadal Wimbledon final was last year, but it was great because I enjoyed it and it didn't feel like exercising in the normal way. I had some fun and after the first 45 minutes I was getting the old magic back, shame we only played for an hour!
I also can't believe it was blistering heat all week and as soon as I stepped out onto a tennis court a little rain began to fell.
So after bimbling around for the rest of the day I was buoyed by my exertions on the court that I thought a bit of a run in the evening would be a great way to end the day and hopefully grind down the calories a bit further.
Big mistake. I got half way round the short lap of the Downs and felt like I'd run ten miles. The usual thing of me wanting to literally run before I could walk was to blame again I think.
But most worryingly my knees felt like those of an arthritic 90-year-old and even though I stuck to running on the grass it was really quite painful so I gave up after less than ten minutes.
Felt quite deflated by that, but managed to avoid the usual counsel of Mr Cadbury and just wrote it off.
Maybe I won't try to do too much sport in one day again.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Remove the scales from your bathroom
Every time I sniff pain chocolat, or eye up a Subway meatball sandwich, I can hear its Smeagle-like, tinny little whine in my head. "Go on, just tries it, see what happens. You wants it, you knows you loves a chocolate."
The voice in my head is coming from that all-powerful supernatural force known as the bathroom scales.
I am obsessed with them. I worry I spend more time with them than with my girlfriend. Not as worried as she is mind.
But before during and after every meal I wonder what the scales will say. I leap out of bed every morning fizzing with excitement and how I may have shed a few pounds in the night and can't wait to see what they say.
And when, as they often do, they don't give me the answer I want, I try a myriad different positions around the bathroom to place them. Perhaps the floor isn't even here, I'll try them over there and see what happens. Can I get any more naked when I'm standing on them? Does it make a difference if I breathe in?
It doesn't help that in common with most purchases I make they were the cheapest option, so you can get quite a wide range of readings, with as much as four pounds difference sometimes. So I like to give it a few goes before I settle on the average.
Except I nearly threw them out the bathroom window today, which wouldn't have been good as it was closed at the time.
I have spent all week avoiding bread products (does tortilla wraps count?) and even went on a run on Tuesday, and it doesn't seem to have made a difference. As usual I'm being far too impatient but it does seem to take about a day to put on five pounds and three weeks to lose it again.
And of course there is only one true set of scales, one set of scales to rule them all, the set at the Weight Watchers meeting every Monday. Now they really do scare me.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Cry fatboy cry
Friday, 19 June 2009
Slim fast, die older, leave a good looking BMI
So I was inspired into drastic action after seeing something on television that I was foolish enough to believe.
While I was in my usual half-comatose state in front of the box one night last week, some traffic-cops-on-patrol-real-life-hot-pursuit-police-camera-action thing came into view.
The show was mildly entertaining in the way that a double cheeseburger is mildly satisfying.
But I was particularly interested when the two cops on patrol in question started talking about their diet regime, which seemed to be staggeringly successful.
The two drivers, called something like Biff and Smudge, apparently spend their working days driving round Essex in a high-performance pursuit car looking for small time hoodies in clapped-out Ford Fiestas who might be smoking cannabis, while a hasbeen actor in a mockney accent gives it the beans on the voiceover.
After making their bust they head out on the motorway in pursuit of an untaxed vehicle.In a well-earned break they take their lunch while parked up on the roadside, which consists of a certain type of milkshake slimming drink. Their lunch that is, not the roadside.
They admit to being the fatboys of the team, and Smudge (or Biff) claims that he lost five stone in ten weeks! FIVE STONE! And his mate reckoned he shed two stone in just three weeks. That's going some, although I felt sorry for the doughnut shop owners who must be suffering as a consequence.
Both testimonials resulted in the best advertising that the slimming product could have hoped for as the next day I decided that variously flavoured milkshake was the way forward, and went out and bought a week's supply.
I thought I had found the answer to all my troubles. Here was an instant fix to my obesity, all I had to do was knock back a few of these for the next ten weeks and I would be slinking round in a pair of skinny leather trousers and a muscle-man t-shirt showing off my newly-sculpted pecs in no time.
The instructions seemed simple enough. One for breakfast, one for lunch with a normal evening meal.
Well, I say normal, what they actually mean is an evening meal the size of the average side order from your local pizza restaurant.
Once I started to read the small print I soon realised that the whole thing was a bit iffy.
Basically you substitute real food for these milkshakes, which contain all the nutrients and things you need to survive on fluids for most of the day.
But what it then says is that in order for it to really work you can also have a couple of snacks, as long as they consist of fruit, you should drink at least two litres of water a day, eat an evening meal of no more than 600 calories and get more exercise.
So let me get this crystal clear, what they are saying is that if you consume fewer calories, eat more healthily and get more active, the chances are you could lose weight.Oh my eyes! I've been blinded by the piercing light of truth from this revelation!
You also have to decide that eating food is nothing more than a daily function and be happy to remove any of the pleasure, taste and social interaction of having lunch.
How many journalists would go to lunch with their local MP to pan for nuggets of gossip over a couple of bottles of strawberry flavoured milk?
Perhaps it might go something like this: "I'll pass on the sea bass and cheeky bottle of Chablis thank you minister, I've already had my lunchtime milkshake meal substitute, and I couldn't eat another thing. Hmmmm, hmm." Obviously he would then order it anyway and claim it back on expenses.
Saying that, I bought into it wholeheartedly and on Monday I started my regime, hoping that by sticking to it for at least a week I would see some results.
By Wednesday lunchtime, just as I was contemplating my meal in a plastic bottle, my will power cracked as I was just so hungry and the thought of another milkshake was making me want to vomit. Which would probably have been a lot more successful.
All I had consumed over 48 hours was milkshake and soup, and I never realised how much I missed the humble sandwich.
Once again it seems my attempts to find a quick and effortless way to lose large amounts of weight are thwarted at the first hurdle.
Who knew there wasn't an easy way to do this? Seems like there's no substitute for sensible eating, more exercise and losing weight gradually and sensibly.Boo.
Monday, 15 June 2009
Monday weigh in success
I didn't mean to stuff my face, it wasn't like I had slumped to a food-bingeing low or anything, I just had two very meal-oriented family gatherings.
The first on Saturday involved a lovely large cooked dinner with seconds to follow, and then a bit of tea in the evening where much cheese was consumed and I learned how to make a pavlova.
Don't think it will be as easy as it looked. Both sittings involved large helpings of puddings too.
The second event was a barbecue for my dad's birthday yesterday where I had a cheeseburger, two barbecued spare ribs, several chicken drumsticks and two large sausages. More meat than was probably healthy for me, and followed again by lots of cheese and things like that.
I was fully expecting to have put on about half a stone, but it appears I have actually lost three and a half pounds and I am now a svelte 16 st and 11 1/2 lbs. It's the lightest I've been for a couple of years I think.
Total weight loss now standing at 16 and 1/2 lbs since May 5.
The meeting leader Lisa announced this to everybody and I went as red as the ketchup in my burger last night.
Anyway I treated myself with some sushi and salad for lunch.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Banksy, Daley Thompson and other stuff
Thursday, 11 June 2009
British Heart Foundation
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Latest weigh in - success!
Friday, 5 June 2009
on becoming a grumpy old man
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Back to work - virtually
Pic caption: Me getting frustrated with telecoms companies. (picture posed by model)
I'm currently spending my time running between the new flat which resembles the warehouse at the end of Raiders Of The Lost Ark (not for size obviously, but the number of boxes), and places like the Watershed and The Prom on Gloucester Road, where they have free wi-fi and I can at least do a bit of work.
Apparently, according to Orange, it can take anything between seven and fifteen days to flick a switch somewhere in cyber space that allows me to be online at home.
I am staggered that in an age where a couple of astronauts can take a socket set up into space to change a tyre on the Hubble telescope, or whatever they did, that it has to take so long to transfer your broadband, with the same company, from one phone line to another.
Still, musn't grumble. Although I do enjoy it.
But I am actually also enjoying a change in surroundings, although it can't be good for business. I've been sat in the Watershed for over an hour now and all I've had is a pint of soda, with lime, which at just £1 can't be enough to cover the electricity I'm using to power my laptop.
I did however indulge in scrambled eggs with smoked salmon on granary toast at the Prom, yesterday and today, so didn't feel so bad.
The virtual office is definitely the way forward. There are currently about four other people sat here, all of them like me, immersed in the dull glow of their laptop screens. Perhaps writing a novel, moving stocks and shares around, putting together major proposals for new businesses or, again like me, perhaps just checking out Facebook and writing nonsense emails to their mates.
I can't believe what a victim I am of all of this new technology, (new to me at least). I was stomping around and pulling my ever-decreasing hair out when I couldn't get online earlier, and realised it was just because I wanted to update my 'status'. I should just use the word 'sad' or 'too much time on my hands' in future.
But there is a woman in the corner here with what can only be described as a book, and a sheaf of paper, and appears to be scribbling symbols and signs onto it, and forming what I believe are called sentences and paragraphs. I have no idea what witchcraft she is practising, but I'm not sure I trust it. It'll never catch on mind.
I managed to go for a run last night with Marc, about 40mins. We met at 6pm and it was still really baking hot, like running through hot glue. Really hard work and I am beginning to worry a bit about being in shape for the half marathon in September. I need to start cranking up the distance. Marc has taken to literally running rings around me as we plod on, which he says helps his training. Doesn't do much for me. Think I might accidentally stick a foot out in the style of Mary Decker and Zola Budd - how old am I? - next time he tries it.
Also managed to eat a home cooked meal for the first time in four days last night, good old chicken stir fry.
I don't appear to have lost any weight over the weekend, despite my physical jerks, but also I have not put any on, despite my indulgence in take aways. So that's no bad thing, I've managed to break even and can push on from here.