So ITV News has started some new feature called OBESITY UK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and there is a very serious TV journalist looking very earnestly into the camera talking about the EPIDEMIC that is SWEEPING BRITAIN, and THREATENS TO ENGULF US ALL!!!!
Anyway, I happen to catch it this evening, God knows how with all these obese people in the world, I'm surprised I could even get into my flat.
But it was interesting as it kind of backed up what I've been banging on about for a little while regarding men and obesity. According to the very serious and not very obese news reader there are basically more obese men than women, and she said something like 40 per cent of men are now overweight, which is a staggering number, I must have misheard her on account of being in the trough at the time and getting bits of hog roast stuck in my ears. Ew.
But I noticed in the Weight Watchers bumpf this week that they are holding a 'bring a bloke' event trying to encourage more people like me to take 'those first steps'. Apparently you don't have to stand in the middle of the room and announce "My name is Simon Peevers, and I am a fat bastard", I just like to do it for effect.
Anyway, in the stuff from WW there was some other similarly shocking figure, so I think I might be onto something after all.
It's all very well for these stats to be chucked around, but the fact is more and more blokes will suffer in silence unless the diet industry starts to acknowledge our existence.
Everything I have encountered during this journey so far in terms of weight loss products, literature, groups, websites etc are all geared to women. Fairly obvious point I realise, but I guess I have been surprised that there doesn't appear to be anything that men can relate to.
All you get is the extreme body images of some of the fitness mags which have pics of not very fat blokes talking about how they lost six pounds and gained a washboard stomach in a week by running 20 miles every day. Well done you, what about trying to lose five stone, where do you start with that Mr 19-year-old-Washboard-Stomach-Idiot.
Not that I'm grouchy about it at all.
Anyway according to ITV, Yorkshire has the highest number of fat men in Britain, must be all those puddings. Is that why they voted for the BNP, because they were too fat to reach another box to tick in?
So they have drafted in Daley Thompson to train these lardie boys up to lose weight, and they will be following their progress over the next six months. Hah. As if anybody would want to follow the progress of some fat idiot puffing and panting their way to trying to lose weight, and er, run a marathon or something stupid.
I can't believe it though. Daley Thompson! I'd love to have him training me, no offence Marc.
And he'd be in less danger of getting attacked in the streets by rabid racists in Bristol than BNP HQ Yorks.
Blimey, that's all a bit political, I shall go and take my mogadon and watch Big Brother to cool my brain off.
But have to mention Banksy, I think it's great that he's rocked up in Bristol with his little exhibition. I think we should start a game called "I've just seen Banksy in..." and fill in the blanks. Something along the lines of "I've just seen Banksy in TK Maxx in Broadmead, buying a new face mask and false 'tache". Or, "I've just seen Banksy being bundled into the back of a British Transport Police van by an over zealous officer who has been waiting for this moment for some years". Maybe.
I also hope somebody goes along and subverts the whole exhibition, turning it into a gallery full of Turner and Constable works, as that would surely be quite Banksyesque wouldn't it?
I think I'm mainly in a bit of a bad mood because I ate too much crap today and feel a bit guilty and bad about it.
I had a bowl of cereal and toast for breakfast, not the worst thing to have, but had a steak sarnie on white ciabatta for lunch with my friend Claire, which was lovely and was great to see her.
But I sort of had a couple of cheese burgers for dinner.
I know it was bad but I was just tired and a bit fed up and craving something juicy. Obviously the steak at lunch wasn't enough.
So I bought a couple of good quality scotch beef burgers, and grilled them. Instead of putting them in buns though I wrapped them in low fat tortilla wraps, which I thought was pretty innovative actually, and I may discuss the idea with the Gourmet Burger Kitchen and see if I can patent the idea. I did also melt some cheddar cheese on them, so at least not processed crap.
They tasted lovely, as did the home made potato salad, which probably had a bit more mayo in than necessary. And the chocolate muffin was nice afterwards too.
I guess I'll pay for it on Monday at my weigh in, but I couldn't resist and my will was broken.
Back to good habits next week.
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