Saturday, 27 June 2009

Been a week of ups and downs. My weight's going up and my motivation is going down.
Well, not that bad maybe, but I feel like these are the hard yards for sure.
I'm so obsessed with trying to make sure I lose weight this week that I can hardly think of anything else. Which makes most of the rest of the life I'm supposed to be getting on with quite tricky.
It does feel a bit like one step forward two steps back this week. I played tennis on Thursday which was a great game actually. Well, obviously not in the same way the Federer Nadal Wimbledon final was last year, but it was great because I enjoyed it and it didn't feel like exercising in the normal way. I had some fun and after the first 45 minutes I was getting the old magic back, shame we only played for an hour!
I also can't believe it was blistering heat all week and as soon as I stepped out onto a tennis court a little rain began to fell.
So after bimbling around for the rest of the day I was buoyed by my exertions on the court that I thought a bit of a run in the evening would be a great way to end the day and hopefully grind down the calories a bit further.

Big mistake. I got half way round the short lap of the Downs and felt like I'd run ten miles. The usual thing of me wanting to literally run before I could walk was to blame again I think.

But most worryingly my knees felt like those of an arthritic 90-year-old and even though I stuck to running on the grass it was really quite painful so I gave up after less than ten minutes.

Felt quite deflated by that, but managed to avoid the usual counsel of Mr Cadbury and just wrote it off.

Maybe I won't try to do too much sport in one day again.


donut dunker said...

don't give up,i manage to lose 4 stone last year, then over christmas/new year put on 9 pounds. i really beat myself up over that, an in the end stopped going to group, since then i have put back on 3 stone.
i like you am constantly standing on the bathroom scales, i think i will throw them put today,no.. i am going to throw them out, they are the devil, and i am going to brush off my trainers and go for a have inspired me.

Simon Peevers said...

Nice one, it's hard as hell but worth the push. Thanks for the comment and let me know how it goes.