Friday, 29 May 2009

Difficult weekend ahead

I have a horrible feeling this weekend is not going to be good for the weight loss project.
I have only really just found the motivation to start packing for our move which is supposed to happen, and is going to happen tomorrow and Sunday.
I think some comfort food is going to have to happen a bit later.
I really can't be arsed with a piece of low fat grilled fish on a bed of bugger all, washed down by a tasty glass of water and followed by half a banana.
It's time to face facts, I'm going to need pizza, and it's going to be cheesy, and big.
It's a bit annoying as I was on for getting down to 17 st next week, which will have been a whole stone in one month. I'm hovering between 17,1 and 17,3 right now.
But hey, you don't move every weekend right? And I'll just have to work even harder next week I guess. Great.

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