Wednesday, 6 May 2009

What this is all about

I've been going on for years about the issue of weight loss and running half marathons and generally screwing up my pudgy little face and saying 'it's not fair, nobody understands what it's like to be fat'.
Well now I'm really going to do something constructive, instructive and entertaining about it.
Never before has obesity been such a newsworthy issue, as never before have there been so many fat people.
So it is time to really get down to it and see how normal people can deal with it without resorting to gastric bands or going on daytime TV to cry about how they can't help being fat.
Make no mistake, I am fat, massively overweight, a lardarse, a chubber, fatboy, oompa lumpa, piggy, whatever.
And there's pretty much only one reason for it, I've eaten too much and done no exercise.
In order to show how obvious this is, I am going to post regular food and exercise diaries to show how the two things are somehow linked.
I am also making video diaries which you can see by clicking on the links on this page.
I have set myself a simple goal, which is to lose eight stone and train to run the London marathon next year, 2010, to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.
Eight stone is a lot to lose, but when you're 5ft 6 and tipping the scales at 18 stone, you can spare it.
I want to document the journey to explore the issue of obesity and body image for men, and how men fit into the whole diet industry.
I also want to use this as a forum to share ideas and experience from anybody going through the same thing.
It's also important to me that I achieve my goals by doing things that everybody can do, making life changes not going on weird diets and starving myself and generally feeling crappy about it.
Making positive changes is what it's all about.
This is no place for self-pity, it's time to take the fat back, and kick its ass.
I hope you will find it interesting and entertaining, or at the very least momentarily distracting.


Kelly Diels said...

I have many questions, but I will winnow it down to two, one basic and the other offensively personally invasive. Brace yourself.

1. What is a stone? (Lazy Canadian needs translation, please and thank you.)

2. Is the marathon an arbitrary peak to summit? Is this all about weight loss or is there more to this journey? (There doesn't have to be - just wondering.)

3. Yeah, so I lied about only two questions. Are you mad, man? Publishing your diet online??? Madness. Madness, I tell you.

I look forward to reading more. I used to run and I shall continue to do it vicariously through you.

warriorwoman said...

Hey good for you. I'm starting here and slowly going to work my way through to 2010.Good luck with the London Marathon.