Thursday, 21 May 2009

Food and exercise diary, Wednesday, May 20

Breakfast of champions, corn flakes with banana. I promise to start making porridge soon, it just makes such a mess in the pan. God that sounds whiny. Apologies.
I didn't really have time for lunch, so I just grabbed a banana to keep me going, and it did.
By dinner time I was predictably starving but managed to resist buying a whole loaf of bread and went for protein instead. A small selection of sushi, some cold chicken, salad, cous cous, and a hard boiled egg. Had a couple of squares of chocolate afterwards and also sneaked in a sneaky slice of quiche.
I wish I knew somebody called Lorraine, just so I could invite her round for lunch and utter the line 'would you like some more quiche, Lorraine?' I do amuse myself.

Exercise: Did about an hour and a half in the gym, split between running, cross training, cycling and a session on the weights.
Thanks go to Pete, who gave me some very helpful advice about how to do sit ups more effectively, and how to use that flaxseed stuff I got from the 10K. Incidentally I'm still waiting for my bloody medal.
And another thing while I'm on it, you can only enter the half marathon online if you have a credit card. I know it may sound a bit third world, but I don't actually have one, not by choice. All the credit card companies in the world sat me down and told me politely they no longer wanted my business some years ago. So not sure what to do.

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